Cannabis Sector Update: Summer 2020



Yes, even the bull should be scared given the economic collapse that is happening. But should we be too? Well, we observe trends and follow them… we don’t and probably shouldn’t even try to explain them. The trends are still to the upside in the stock markets, so we’ll keep riding that wave until it ends.

Last week… We bounced back from the previous week’s decline to erase the earlier losses and still gain some extra.


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PTP… The S&P 500 and S&P/TSX Composite Index APARs declined a little, while our PTP APAR held fairly steady week-over-week.wpid-bar_speedo_200731s-2020-08-5-23-16.png

PTA Perspective… Cannabis Sector Update: Summer 2020
This week we decided to have a closer look at the cannabis thematic sector once again, with very low expectations. But we did come up with some amazingly positive surprises. We’ll share those with you in this week’s edition of TrendWatch Weekly.