Cryptocurrencies or CryptoStocks?



Many of you may find this cartoon confusing, because in stages it leads you to two Neanderthal investment managers about to buy more “Tesla stonks”. Stonks is clearly an intentional misspelling of the word “stocks”. The term first appeared in June, 2017 on a Facebook page called Special Meme Fresh. So, it’s both a word and a meme implying poor judgement in selecting stocks… as per the final panel of the cartoon above. It’s not synonymous with stocks. “Stonks” is used to describe cartoonish investing in stocks… not something that a skilled investor would do.

Last week… The week-over-week price move dropped from about +5% in our last report to a little less than +2% this past week. Still, the move is in the direction we want.


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PTP… Our PTP APAR rose by about 20 points last week, and the S&P/TSX Composite Index APAR and the S&P APAR each rose about 10.


PTA Perspective… Cryptocurrencies or CryptoStocks?

We promise not to overdo it, but Bitcoin and the whole cryptocurrency family are still on the rise. And you can buy shares of companies that “mine” Bitcoin and some of the other major cryptocurrencies. The trends of those stock prices and Bitcoin itself are highly correlated so the trend values are similar. In other words you could buy Bitcoin mining stocks as a proxy for Bitcoin itself, and bypass the need to open a cryptocurrency account with a coin exchange. More in this week’s edition of TrendWatch Weekly.