The Media Offensive Against Investor Profits!




The pink bird always has good advice for the fund manager! There are actually funds out there that claim to be low volatility, and naive investors gobble them up. LOL! Unlike VIX, which only demonstrates the downside of volatility, real volatility swings both ways. You can’t have price appreciation without upward volatility… hopefully more and better upswings than downswings. Kill volatility and your money will be best stored under your mattress.

Last week… The media have escalated their hysterical Mexican beer virus coverage, and naive investors are pressing the sell button, not realizing that it’s all lies and misleading info.
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PTP… The benchmark APARs declined 18% and 33% respectively. The PTP APAR managed another increase as we dumped losers.


PTA Perspective… The Media Offensive Against Investor Profits!
OK, so we’re getting a bit dramatic with our own headlines, but it’s impossible to ignore the fact that the media are attempting to orchestrate a stock market collapse based on a novel, but so far inconsequential, flu virus. If there ever were a conspiracy theory for maximum profitability, it would be to short everything and turn on the media hysteria to proclaim that a virus will destroy the equities markets! More on this in this week’s edition of TrendWatch Weekly.