2018 Q1 Review – Global Perspective



Remember Trump’s entire first year as president, when he did absolutely nothing? The stock markets rose almost continuously, because investors had nothing to worry about! Well, we can now see what happens when he does so-called “presidential” stuff! But don’t worry… we’ll guide you into foreign investment opportunities, while the US markets unravel.

Day by Day… Here’s how last week played out on a daily basis. There was some hope that at least US stocks would finish the week higher. Then Friday happened.


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PTP… The S&P 500 and S&P/TSX Composite Index APARs remained negative after last week’s trading. The PTP score had a nice improvement, in spite of the fact that we’re down to only two holdings in the PTP.


PTA Perspective… 2018 Q1 Review – Global Perspective
We extend our coverage of Q1 2018 to look at the global equities markets. Is it time to pull the plug on North American stocks and look elsewhere? We’ll let you know in this week’s full edition of TrendWatch Weekly.