Are the Markets Too Bullish?



Such great advice in one simple slogan. No matter how much media bullshit, or market volatility comes our way, do-it-yourself investors can simply “adjust the sails” to turn adversity into profits. Sail on my friends!

Last week… Once again, it’s been one of those “move along, nothing to see here” weeks. A bit of downside for the S&P, while the TSX was basically unchanged.
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PTP… We’re content with adding another 70% added to our PTP APAR. The benchmark APARs are still also performing well too, although down from our last report. Don’t forget that the usual annualized gains for the S&P 500 and other major indexes is 10%! Take advantage of these trends for the time being, even if you just buy a passive index ETF.


PTA Perspective… Are the Markets Too Bullish?
As much as we’d like our investments to follow a nice smooth consistent trend upwards, there are always reversals now and then. Probably less of them with our relative trend analysis™ (RTA) methodology, but we’re not going to deny that trends do end now and then… temporarily or permanently. But what happens when all of the markets look too good to be true? Well, words like correction (-10%) and new bear market (-20%) start popping up. Are we there yet? That’s our topic is this week’s edition of TrendWatch Weekly.