2018 – Year-End Review – Global Perspective



Following the poor performance of equities as we wound down 2018, we’ve had two weeks of reasonable upside in the major indexes. That is hardly enough evidence, however, to assume that we’re beginning a new sustainable upswing. The majority of all equities are still trending lower.

Day by Day… We had a second week of gains last week, although Thursday’s declines threatened that outcome.


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We bought one ETF last week, based on (at least a temporary) improvement in precious metals prices.

Cannabis Corner… Some stocks in the pot patch had substantial gains last week, but a majority continue to trend lower.

PTA Perspective… 2018 – Year-End Review – Global Perspective
After providing a recap of the performance of North American stocks last week, we’re now taking you through a guided tour of global equities. It turns out that there were very few regional ETFs with net gains, so global diversification wouldn’t have been a good thing in 2018… although in many cases you may have lost less!